About us

Interested in joining us? If you already play tennis, why not come along to one of our club sessions. Non-members are welcome to come four times, after which you should join the club -- we offer a reduced membership fee for the first year. Club sessions run on Saturday mornings from 9.30 onwards and on Monday evenings from 6pm (these will continue throughout the year now that we have floodlights!).

If you are interested in learning to play (or improving your ability) we have a range of coaching activities to suit everyone from beginners and people who haven't played for years to advanced junior and adult coaching. See coaching for details.

We offer the chance to take part in competitive tennis in the Sheffield and District leagues, as well as just playing when you feel like it.

The club calendar has full details of the various scheduled sessions--any time that is not booked on this calendar is available for members to book.

Membership form

Please complete the online Membership Application Form by clicking here. Payments should be made by BACS to:
Buxton Tennis club
Sort Code: 16-15-17
Account number: 10134934

Please email the membership secretary at membership.buxtontennisclub@gmail.com to say that you have paid. If you are not able to pay electronically then please email the membership secretary to arrange payment by cheque instead.


Standard adult: £115 (£105 if paid by 30 April)

New adult member: £50 (if you haven't been a member before)

Family: (2 adults+ any number of children under 18) £230 (£210 if paid by 30 April)

New family: (if you haven't been a member before) £100

Concession (young person (under 23 on 1 May) / full-time student / unemployed) £50 (£45 if paid by 30 April)

Junior (primary school age): £16. (Parents of primary school age children who want to play just with their children can also join for £16)

Junior (secondary school age and still at in full-time education): £27.

Country (available to members who live at least 10 miles from Buxton): £65 (£60 if paid by 30 April)

Visitor: £4.00 per visit (max 4 visits)

Forthcoming events

22 Feb 2025 Winter League Division 6: Buxton vs Stocksbridge C
05 March 2025 Pre-AGM social
05 March 2025 AGM